The present bibliography is offered to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the Eucharist.

We are constantly increasing the number of titles of books and references to articles in reviews and in collective works in the language of each section of our web-site; where it is question of translated works, we include, where possible, the date of publication of the original.

Anyone wishing to find titles in other languages than their own (at least, for the moment, in French, Italian, German, and Spanish) can easily go to the corresponding section of our web-site.

Obviously, we make no claim as yet of offering anything like a complete bibliography, especially where articles from reviews are concerned.

Since the world-wide web offers wonderful opportunities for interaction and collaboration, we wish to invite anyone who notices errors or lacunae in the bibliographies we offer, to let us know at our e-mail address:

Due to the large number of entries and the expanding nature of this bibliographical resource, we have divided the material into what we hope are more manageable units of ten-year periods (at least from 1950 on).


Since January 2011 a dynamic and interaction-based edition of this bibliography is available online. It complements without substituting the current bibliography available on this site. It offers, however, a number of additional tools and possibilities, which allow for a more sophisticated, precise and to-the-point searching of information. To that it will be updated on a monthly base.
For further information see: